COVID-19 Resource Page

Below are a number of resources that we have found helpful for coping during this pandemic. We hope this will give you a jumping off point for getting additional help during this uncertain and unprecedented time.

This list is by no means exhaustive, and if there is something you have found to be helpful, feel free to reach out to share. We are all in this together.

With an endless amount of information available, it is important to listen to trusted sources. For official information about COVID-19, check out:

In addition to these, this VA webpage is a wonderful resource with direct links to a number of official US websites, including: Federal government response, VA Resources, Rumor Control (FEMA), CDC, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, The American Red Cross Blood donation, Financial issues through The Federal Trade Commission and The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, The Small Business Administration (SBA), Housing information through The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Social Security, Medicare information, etc.). Helpful for veterans and civilians alike.


Taking Care of your Mental Health During The COVID-19 Pandemic

Need some quick tips? Check out these seven things you can do to help yourself and your loved ones remain mentally well through the pandemic (Creating an attention “diet”, practicing gratitude, focusing on what you can control, finding social connection, setting a schedule, exercising, and use music)

Animation of “FACE COVID”

A brief animation that illustrates how to use ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) to deal with the Corona crisis and the fear, anxiety and worry that goes with it (Dr Russ Harris)

Coping with Fear and Sadness During a Pandemic (Hofstra University)

A thorough and informative 40-page pdf with information about a wide range of topics, such as coping with strong emotions, parenting during quarantine, lists of pleasurable activity ideas, and practical information about COVID.

Roadmap to Resilience

“In order to support and bolster such resilience, I am making my book Roadmap to Resilience available for free to help individuals cope with ongoing adversities and losses.” (Donald Meichenbaum, Ph.D.)

The Mental Health & Psychosocial Support Network - COVID Toolkit

“A growing global platform for connecting people, networks and organizations, for sharing resources and for building knowledge related to mental health and psychosocial support both in emergency settings and in situations of chronic hardship. The network functions as an online community of practice for mental health and psychosocial support in challenging humanitarian and development contexts.”

Grief Support Group with David Kessler

“This is a Free pop up group for those in grief during this challenging time. It is for anyone in grief who has had a loved one die. So many who depended on in-person grief groups are suddenly left with little support. Grief is already isolating even when we are not disconnect.”

FACE COVID pamphlet

A short pamphlet created by Dr. Russ Harris about using ACT to respond to this crisis, and to help decrease suffering.



  • 29K Coping with Crisis: This app contains “courses, exercises and meditations to support you with everything from stress, worry to finding ways to care for your relationships and be of support to those around you.”

  • COVID Coach: This app is designed to cope effectively during the COVID-19 pandemic, coving topics such as stress, parenting and care-taking, find resources, and staying connected. “Covid Coach is free, secure, evidence-in formed, federally-funded by US intended for everyone and developed by staff at National Center for PTSD.”


There have been a wealth of articles published about how to cope during this time. Here are just a handful of ones that many people have sound helpful:


Being Resilient During Coronavirus

Meditations and a podcast about fear in the time of COVID-19, as well as related blog posts.

Unlocking Us (Brene Brown’s Podcast)


Facing Pandemic Fears with an Awake Heart (Tara Brach)

“This talk explores how the mindfulness and compassion of the RAIN meditation can help us find an inner refuge in the face of fear, and deepen our loving connection with each other.”

You and Your Mind in a Pandemic

Check out this podcast’s EP87: You and Your Mind in a Pandemic and the related article.



Cultivating Mindfulness at this Critical Moment: Daily Practices and Inquiry with Jon Kabat-Zinn (or through Zoom)

Daily sessions that include a guided mindfulness practice, plus Q&A. On Tuesdays and Thursdays there is small group discussion for an additional hour. If you can't join the live sessions, you can watch the recorded videos at a later time. Held 2-3 pm (Eastern Daylight Time), Monday to Friday.

The Free Mindfulness Project

A wonderful resource for mindfulness in general, they have also made a page to help provide links to other free, mindfulness-related resources available online.


Free Self-Compassion Meditation Sessions

“Offering free daily 45-minute drop-in sessions for anyone interested in meditating together during this time of social-distancing and quarantine”

Ten Percent Happier - Corona Virus Sanity Guide

Mindfulness resources for all on their website, as well as free access to their app for health care workers.


ACT Mindfully - Free Meditations

A number of meditations made free for download during this time.



Talking to Children About COVID-19:

Children and Adults with ADHD (CHADD) has some great resources that may be helpful for parents of all children:

School’s Out: A Parents’ Guide for Meeting the Challenge During the COVID-19 Pandemic

NYU Langone’s Child Study Center provided tips for parents to guide children during the pandemic.

Parenting Strategies for Challenging Times Webinar Series 

Weill Cornell Medicine’s Child Psychology Team will lead consecutive evening webinars including a Q&A to discuss practical skills aimed to support parents and help children thrive during this challenging time.

Additional resources for parents:



Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens
— Jimi Hendrix