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The videos, interviews and media below are posted to allow you to best explore how compassion, acceptance, and mindfulness can help us to cultivate the courage and wisdom we need to face life's challenges . . .

A unique dialogue between His Holiness the Dalai Lama and a panel including Dr. Paul Gilbert.

Dr Dennis Tirch presenting on Empowering and Enhancing Exposure Through Compassion, Acceptance and Mindfulness at the Annual Conference in London on 6th December 2013Click the photo above to begin the video.

Dr Dennis Tirch presenting on Empowering and Enhancing Exposure Through Compassion, Acceptance and Mindfulness at the Annual Conference in London on 6th December 2013

Click the photo above to begin the video.

Our friends and colleagues, Dr. Kristin Neff, Dr. Christopher Germer & Dr. Paul Gilbert in conversation about the importance of compassion in well-being. We have been lucky enough to have each of these leaders in the field as trainers here at events for The Center for Compassion Focused Therapy.

Please click the photo above to access the article from The Wall Street Journal

Please click the photo above to access the article from The Wall Street Journal

Dr. Tirch and his colleagues interviewed by Melinda Beck for the Wall Street Journal, exploring how mindfulness and acceptance can be used to conquer fear . . .




Our friend, and a lecturer at The Center for Compassion Focused Therapy, Dr. Chris Irons, discusses CFT in Telluride, Colorado.

A conversation with Dr. Steven C. Hayes, founder of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Professor Paul Gilbert speaking in Lismore, Australia on strengthening the mind through the power of self-compassion.

Dr. Tirch and Edwin Rutsch discuss building a culture of empathy and compassion in the video above.  

Our friend, world renowned expert on self-compassion, and past Center for CFT presenter Dr. Kristin Neff in a Ted Talk on her compassionate journey and the science of compassion.

Dr. Tirch interviewed for The Wall Street Journal on how anxiety can enhance performance:

Dr. Tirch interviewed for Oprah magazine on negative thinking:

Dr. Tirch’s work on compassion and anxiety featured on

In this interview, learn from Paul Gilbert and Rick Hanson how to grow a sense of self-worth, keep a friendly relationship with yourself, be honest without being critical, and stop undermining your own confidence.

A full day workshop with Dr. Paul Gilbert, Creator of CFT, Compassion Focused Therapy - part 1, watch this video on YouTube to see the full workshop.

Dr. Robert L. Leahy provides an accessible introduction to the fundamental ideas involved in cognitive therapy in the AICT podcast for May 2007. Please feel free to subscribe or simply listen, to learn more about effective treatments for psychological problems.

Dr. Dennis Tirch discusses OCD and CBT Treatment for OCD in 2006.

Matthieu Ricard is a Buddhist monk who left a career in cellular genetics to study Buddhism in the Himalayas over forty-five years ago. He is an internationally bestselling author and an active participant in the current scientific research of the effects of meditation on the brain.

The most fundamental aggression to ourselves, the most fundamental harm we can do to ourselves, is to remain ignorant by not having the courage and the respect to look at ourselves honestly and gently.
— Pema Chodren, When Things Fall Apart